We have a wide range of shows, with the most popular being:
PvP Podcast
Join Cal, Dan and guests as they tackle the never ending cycle of gaming, the internet, movies, or whatever else springs into the show!
Cal and Dan Play
A revolving roster of games played by Cal and Dan, extremely poorly. Plus, giveaways, Indie Spotlights and more!
The PvP Show
Animated shenanigans from the Podcast vs Player team. Strong language and not to scale characters.
Cal and Zoe Bulls**t
Random games, ranging from free to AAA releases, but more often than not, just Cal shouting at Zoe.
What's That Slang
Every region of the world has it's own slang, so Quizmaster Zoe sets the boys the task of identifying what each one means.
Open Bar (coming soon)
Alcohol, friends, guests and any topics on the table. That's Open Bar, join us, wont you!